Press / News


Press contact

Gessertshausener Strasse 2
86356 Neusäss / Vogelsang
T. +49 (0) 821 710199 - 20M.
Picture material
Image release only in connection with the press release and indication of the image author ORTHOSCOOT GmbH.

Press releases

Juli 2024
Getting the foot rolling
ORTHOSCOOT GmbH unterstützt die Ambulantisierung in Deutschland

Die ORTHOSCOOT GmbH, ein junges deutsches Unternehmen, stellt ihre Innovation zur Unterstützung der Ambulantisierung im deutschen Gesundheitssystem vor. Der ORTHOSCOOT, ein orthopädischer Roller, kann dazu beitragen, dass Patienten nach einer Verletzung im Fuß- oderSprunggelenk früher entlassen werden, da diese durch das Hilfsmittel sicher mobilisiert werden und die Genesung ambulant fortsetzen können.

February 2022
Getting the foot rolling
With his orthopaedic scooter, the entrepreneur Andreas Hertle closes a supply gap in Germany

He is one of those who love to get things - and people - moving, to turn ideas into products and products into brands. When Andreas Hertle (45), a marketing and sales expert from Augsburg, is convinced of something, he really gets into it. Like in the case of the orthopaedic scooter.

February 2022
Who likes to be restricted in everyday life?
In the case of foot injuries, the optimal aid is important

The orthopaedic roller ORTHOSCOOT NH1 enables an early return to work.

Closing your own practice for several weeks until recovery after a foot operation and cancelling all patients - unimaginable for self-employed people like Dr Christiane Snethlage, an orthodontist with her own practice...

Picture material

orthoscoot logoWith safety more mobility logo
Product images
Orthopaedic scooter Orthoscoot Detailed viewOrthopaedic roller Orthoscoot Side view
Product in use
ORTHOSCOOT in the medical supply tradePatient with Orthoscoot in hospitalORTHOSCOOT at the clinicPatient with Orthoscoot in the gardenPatient goes for a walk with Orthoscoot and companyYoung man with Orthoscoot clears kitchenYoung woman with Orthoscoot at the wardrobeYoung woman with Orthoscoot plays an instrumentYoung woman with Orthoscoot plays an instrumentManagers at work with ORTHOSCOOTManagers at work with ORTHOSCOOT